Preserve the same underlying stored value, but reset the stored unit identifier to the given unitType.
Preserve the same underlying stored value, but reset the stored unit identifier to the given unitType. Object attributes unitType, valueInSpecifiedUnits and valueAsString might be modified as a result of this method.
Reset the value as a number with an associated unitType, thereby replacing the values for all of the attributes on the object.
Reset the value as a number with an associated unitType, thereby replacing the values for all of the attributes on the object. Exceptions: a DOMException with code NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR is raised if unitType is SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN or not a valid unit type constant (one of the other SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface). a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
The type of the value as specified by one of the SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface.
The type of the value as specified by one of the SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface.
The value as a floating point value, in user units.
The value as a floating point value, in user units. Setting this attribute will cause valueInSpecifiedUnits and valueAsString to be updated automatically to reflect this setting. Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
The value as a string value, in the units expressed by unitType.
The value as a string value, in the units expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will cause value, valueInSpecifiedUnits and unitType to be updated automatically to reflect this setting. Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code SYNTAX_ERR is raised if the assigned string cannot be parsed as a valid <angle>. a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
The value as a floating point value, in the units expressed by unitType.
The value as a floating point value, in the units expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will cause value and valueAsString to be updated automatically to reflect this setting. Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.
The SVGAngle interface correspond to the <angle> basic data type.