Prepare a runner for the code in the virtual file.
Prepare a runner for the code in the virtual file.
Prepare a runner for the code in the virtual file.
Human-readable name for this JSEnv
Symbols this LinkingUnitJSEnv needs present in the LinkingUnit it receives.
Prepare a runner without any libraries.
Prepare a runner without any libraries.
Strictly equivalent to:
this.jsRunner(Nil, code)
Return this JSEnv with the given libraries already loaded.
Return this JSEnv with the given libraries already loaded.
The following two are equivalent:
jsEnv.loadLibs(a).jsRunner(b, c) jsEnv.jsRunner(a ++ b, c)
Returns a JSEnv with the given LinkingUnit already loaded.
Returns a JSEnv with the given LinkingUnit already loaded.
Note that any subsequent libraries will be inserted after the LinkingUnit.
Hence, the following are equivalent:
jsEnv.loadUnit(a).jsRunner(b, c) jsEnv.jsRunner(Nil, a, b, c)
If you need to load libraries before, you can use the loadLibs method:
jsEnv.loadLibs(a).loadUnit(b).jsRunner(c, d)
// equivalent to
jsEnv.jsRunner(a, b, c, d)