Marks the annotated method as representing bracket access in JavaScript.
Specifies that the given entity should be exported for use in raw JS.
Specifies that the given entity should be exported for use in raw JS.
Specifies that all the objects extending the annotated class or trait should be exported for use in raw JS.
Specifies that all the objects extending the annotated class or trait should be exported for use in raw JS. Note that objects exported this way are exported under their fully qualified name.
Specifies the JavaScript name of an entity.
Specifies the JavaScript name of an entity.
Marks the annotated class, trait or object as a raw JavaScript type.
Marks the annotated class, trait or object as a raw JavaScript type.
This annotation is added automatically by the compiler to all classes, traits and objects inheriting directly or indirectly from scala.scalajs.js.Any. It marks the annotated entity as being a raw JavaScript type, i.e., one that represents type information for an entity defined in JavaScript code.
Do not use this annotation yourself.
Marks the annotated method as representing bracket access in JavaScript.
Calling JavaScript from Scala.js