Dummy version constant to identify files for which a version can not be found.
Dummy version constant to identify files for which a version can not be found. This constant should never collide with the result of getVersion.
A string that uniquely identifies this file's location
A string that uniquely identifies this file's location
A string that globally identifies a file for which a version can not be found.
A string that globally identifies a file for which a version can not be found. Example: a file that does not exists.
A string that globally identifies the version of a file: If it equals the global version of any other file, they must equal.
A string that globally identifies the version of a file: If it equals the global version of any other file, they must equal.
A string that identifies the version of a file: If it equals the version of another file with the same absolute path, the two files must be equal.
A string that identifies the version of a file: If it equals the version of another file with the same absolute path, the two files must be equal. This is usually the lastModified date, but ordering is not required
List files in a directory
List files in a directory
Traverses elements, returns a version string
Traverses elements, returns a version string
Traverse a Jar and return a version
Traverse a Jar and return a version
Allows to create a PartialClasspathBuilder from a (filesystem) classpath
Rules for classpath reading: - IR goes to scalaJSIR - Descends into JARs - Entries stay in order of ‘cp‘, IR remains unordered - Earlier IR entries shadow later IR entries with the same relative path - JS goes to availableLibs (earlier libs take precedence) - JS_DEPENDENCIES are added to dependencies