Experimental output mode compliant with ECMAScript 6 in a function scope.
This output mode assumes that the target platform supports ECMAScript 6,
at least for the following aspects:
* Classes
* let and const
* Rest parameters and the spread operator (...args)
* New methods in Math
* Symbols and the "well-known symbol" Symbol.iterator
The output must be enclosed in an anonymous function isolating the code
in a dedicated scope.
Experimental output mode compliant with ECMAScript 6 in a function scope.
This output mode assumes that the target platform supports ECMAScript 6, at least for the following aspects:
* Classes * let and const * Rest parameters and the spread operator (...args) * New methods in Math * Symbols and the "well-known symbol" Symbol.iterator
The output must be enclosed in an anonymous function isolating the code in a dedicated scope.