
Announcing Scala.js 0.6.4

Jul 3, 2015

We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 0.6.4!

This release brings support for Scala 2.11.7 and 2.12.0-M1, as well as a significant part of the Java collections library in java.util, thanks to @andreaTP and @nicolasstucki. It also fixes numerous bugs.

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Announcing Scala.js 0.6.3

May 12, 2015

We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 0.6.3!

A lot has happened in this release, probably because we dragged it for a longer amount of time than usual (2 months since the last release!). Besides the usual bag of bug fixes, there are three highlights:

  • Support for BigInteger and BigDecimal, thanks to an incredible amount of work by @InTheNow.
  • Extension of jsDependencies to specify minified versions of the JS libraries.
  • Experimental output modes to target ECMAScript 6, as well as Strong Mode.

We also welcome Nicolas Stucki aka @nicolasstucki to the core team at EPFL.

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Announcing Scala.js 0.6.2

Mar 16, 2015

We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 0.6.2!

This release mostly contains bug fixes, among which the lack of support of for Unicode characters. It also brings code size reduction and performance improvements to fastOpt code (although nothing changes in fullOpt).

We are also happy to share that Scala.js is now part of Scala’s community build.

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Announcing Scala.js 0.6.1

Mar 3, 2015

We are excited to announce the release of Scala.js 0.6.1!

This release mostly contains bug fixes, including inefficiencies in the incremental fastOptJS. It also brings the entire java.nio.Buffers API, with interoperability with the JavaScript Typed Arrays API.

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Announcing Scala.js 0.6.0

Feb 5, 2015

We are thrilled to announce the final release of Scala.js 0.6.0!

As of this version, we do not consider Scala.js to be experimental anymore. We believe it has reached maturity, and from now on, the language semantics as well as the APIs will only evolve in backward compatible ways, or go through proper deprecation cycles.

Today is also the 2-year anniversary of Scala.js! The first commit was pushed on February 5, 2013.

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Announcing Scala.js 0.6.0-RC2

Jan 23, 2015

We are excited to announce the second release candidate of Scala.js 0.6.0, aka 0.6.0-RC2! Unless there are blocking issues with this RC, or issues requiring binary incompatible changes, this version will become 0.6.0 final.

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