Build UIs with Laminar
In this second tutorial, we learn how to develop UIs in Scala.js with Laminar.
We start here with the project setup developed in the previous tutorial about Setting up Scala.js with Vite. To follow along this tutorial, either use the result of the previous tutorial, or checkout the scalajs-vite-end-state branch of the accompanying repo.
If you prefer to look at the end result for this tutorial directly, checkout the laminar-end-state branch instead.
See the final result in action and fiddle with the code in Scribble
Make sure to install the prerequisites before continuing further.
Introducing Laminar
Laminar is a Scala.js library to build UIs using Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). FRP is a hybrid model between imperative and functional programming. It is particularly well suited to developing UIs in Scala, as we can reason about relationships between immutable values while dealing with the changing nature of the UI. We will elaborate on this point later.
To start off, we add a dependency on Laminar in our build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "org.scala-js" %%% "scalajs-dom" % "2.8.0",
+ // Depend on Laminar
+ libraryDependencies += "com.raquo" %%% "laminar" % "17.0.0",
Once that is done, start the incremental compiler:
$ sbt
sbt:livechart> ~fastLinkJS
If sbt was already running, run reload
for the changes in build.sbt
to take effect, then start the incremental compiler with ~fastLinkJS
Additionally, start Vite’s development server if it wasn’t already running:
$ npm run dev
We can now change the contents of src/main/scala/livechart/LiveChart.scala
to use Laminar instead of vanilla DOM APIs.
At the top, we use the following import:
import com.raquo.laminar.api.L.{*, given}
That import brings all the Laminar features we want into scope.
We replace the contents of the main def LiveChart
method with a call to Laminar’s renderOnDomContentLoaded
This method bootstraps Laminar by installing a Laminar Element
in an existing DOM element:
def LiveChart(): Unit =
and we then define Main.appElement
as follows:
object Main:
def appElement(): Element =
a(href := "", target := "_blank",
img(src := "/vite.svg", className := "logo", alt := "Vite logo"),
a(href := "", target := "_blank",
img(src := javascriptLogo, className := "logo vanilla", alt := "JavaScript logo"),
h1("Hello Laminar!"),
div(className := "card",
button(tpe := "button"),
p(className := "read-the-docs",
"Click on the Vite logo to learn more",
end appElement
end Main
Instead of using HTML tags in a big string, we use Laminar functions corresponding to every kind of DOM element.
In the parameters, we can specify both attributes, using the :=
operator, and child elements.
Every reference is type-checked.
If we misspell button
as buton
, or if we try to put an integer in target := 0
, the compiler will flag it as an error.
Code of the button
Now, we have not yet replicated the behavior of the button. Previously the code using the DOM API was the following:
def setupCounter(element: dom.Element): Unit =
var counter = 0
def setCounter(count: Int): Unit =
counter = count
element.innerHTML = s"count is $counter"
element.addEventListener("click", e => setCounter(counter + 1))
end setupCounter
In Laminar, we do not use event listeners to directly mutate the attributes of DOM elements.
Instead, we use Var
s and Signal
s to model time-varying values.
Let us isolate the button definition in a separate method, and illustrate how to write its behavior using Laminar:
def counterButton(): Element =
val counter = Var(0)
tpe := "button",
"count is ",
child.text <-- counter,
onClick --> { event => counter.update(c => c + 1) },
end counterButton
We declare counter
as a Var[Int]
initialized with 0
We then use it in two bindings:
- In
child.text <-- counter
, we declare a text child of the button whose content will always reflect the value ofcounter
. Together with the first (immutable) text child"count is "
, it initially forms the text"count is 0"
. As the value ofcounter
changes over time, so does the text in the button. - In
counter.update(c => c + 1)
, we schedule an update of the value ofcounter
, to be increased by 1. We schedule that as a result of theonClick -->
event of the button.
We do not need to explicitly set the innerText
attribute of the button.
That is taken care of by the <--
Unlike frameworks based on a virtual DOM, Laminar bindings directly target the DOM element to update.
With a virtual DOM, when the value of counter
changes, we would build an entirely new VDOM representation for the button (and perhaps its parents), and the framework would later diff it and identify which DOM HTMLButtonElement
to update.
In Laminar, however, the <--
binding remembers the precise instance of HTMLButtonElement
to update, and directly modifies its text.
This is more efficient than going through the VDOM indirection.
Beside :=
, the two binding arrows <--
and -->
are the only symbolic operators that Laminar defines.
is a static binding.
It can be seen as a <--
with a time-immutable value on the right.
The left arrow <--
makes data flow from the right to the left; it is usually used with DOM attributes on the left and signals on the right.
The right arrow -->
makes data flow from the left to the right; it is usually used with DOM events on the left and observers on the right.
It helps to visualize the UI as being “on the left” and the application data model as being “on the right”.
s, Signal
s, and Functional Reactive Programming
Before going further, let us look more closely at what are Var
s and Signal
Consider the following three definitions:
val intVar: Var[Int] = Var(1)
val intSignal: Signal[Int] = intVar.signal
val times2Signal: Signal[Int] = * 2)
The first definition is a Var
containing an Int
, like the counter
we used before.
It is initialized with the value 1
, but its value can evolve over time.
A Var
is a read-write container.
Often, we want to give access to its value in a read-only way, which is what intVar.signal
A Signal
is a read-only view of some time-varying value.
s are similar to Scala immutable collections.
Whereas collections give values as functions of indices, signals give them as functions of time.
As time progresses, the value in a Signal
can change.
Like collections, we can manipulate signals with the typical higher-order functions.
For example, we use map
here to get another times2Signal: Signal
whose time-varying value is always twice that of intSignal
We can visualize those relationships in a diagram.
We can schedule updates to intVar
by using its update
When we schedule intVar.update(_ + 2)
(equivalently, .update(x => x + 2)
), we increase its time-varying value by 2.
Automatically, the time-varying values in intSignal
and times2Signal
change to maintain the relationships.
s and Signal
s are the core concepts of Functional Reactive Programming (FRP).
This paradigm is a hybrid between functional programming, in which we manipulate immutable values, and imperative programming, where time plays a role.
Unlike imperative programming, when we change the value behind a Var
that was used to compute derived Signal
s, the latter are automatically updated.
This ensures that relationships between Var
s and Signal
s are maintained at all times.
Thanks to these properties, we can reason about our program in a very similar way that we do when using only immutable values, as is the case in functional programming.
Data Model
We can now start developing our live chart application in earnest.
The first thing we need is a model for the data that we want to edit and render.
We will focus on “shopping list” items with string labels, decimal prices and integer counts.
Each item also offers a fullPrice
accessor, for convenience.
Therefore, an immutable model of our data can look like the following:
import scala.util.Random
final class DataItemID
case class DataItem(id: DataItemID, label: String, price: Double, count: Int):
def fullPrice: Double = price * count
object DataItem:
def apply(): DataItem =
DataItem(DataItemID(), "?", Random.nextDouble(), Random.nextInt(5) + 1)
end DataItem
type DataList = List[DataItem]
In addition to the expected fields label
, price
and count
, we include an id: DataItemID
in our DataItem
The ID will serve to uniquely identify rows of our table even if they happen to have the same content.
Think about a delete button on each row: if we click it, we would like the corresponding row to be removed, not another one with the same content.
Since we want our chart to be editable, we will need to change the table data over time.
For that purpose, we put the entire DataList
in a Var
, which we encapsulate in a Model
class, as follows:
final class Model:
val dataVar: Var[DataList] = Var(List(DataItem(DataItemID(), "one", 1.0, 1)))
val dataSignal = dataVar.signal
end Model
We also define two functions that will add a new random item, and remove a specific item (given its ID):
final class Model:
def addDataItem(item: DataItem): Unit =
dataVar.update(data => data :+ item)
def removeDataItem(id: DataItemID): Unit =
dataVar.update(data => data.filter( != id))
end Model
This is a good time to introduce some unit tests to our application.
We want to make sure that some of the model operations, like DataItem.fullPrice
or Model.addDataItem
, work as expected.
We first add the following dependency on MUnit, a Scala testing framework, in our build.sbt
// Depend on Laminar
libraryDependencies += "com.raquo" %%% "laminar" % "17.0.0",
+ // Testing framework
+ libraryDependencies += "org.scalameta" %%% "munit" % "1.0.0" % Test,
After re-importing the project in the IDE, we create a new file src/test/scala/livechart/ModelTest.scala
We write an elementary test for DataItem.fullPrice
as follows:
package livechart
class ModelTest extends munit.FunSuite:
test("fullPrice") {
val item = DataItem(DataItemID(), "test", 0.5, 5)
assert(item.fullPrice == 2.5)
end ModelTest
We can run our test from the sbt
prompt with the test
sbt:livechart> test
+ fullPrice 0.00s
[info] Passed: Total 1, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 1
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed
In order to test addDataItem
and removeDataItem
, we need to read the current value of dataSignal
For testing purposes, the most straightforward way to do so is to use the now()
In the application code, we would prefer using map()
and other combinators, as we will see later, but now()
is good for tests.
test("addDataItem") {
val model = new Model
val item = DataItem(DataItemID(), "test", 0.5, 2)
val afterItems =
assert(afterItems.size == 2)
assert(afterItems.last == item)
test("removeDataItem") {
val model = new Model
model.addDataItem(DataItem(DataItemID(), "test", 0.5, 2))
val beforeItems =
assert(beforeItems.size == 2)
val afterItems =
assert(afterItems.size == 1)
assert(afterItems == beforeItems.tail)
Running the tests now yields
sbt:livechart> test
+ fullPrice 0.00s
+ addDataItem 0.00s
+ removeDataItem 0.00s
[info] Passed: Total 3, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 3
[success] Total time: 0 s, completed
Rendering as a table
For this article in the series, we focus on Laminar itself, and therefore on rendering the table view of our data.
object Main:
val model = new Model
import model.*
def appElement(): Element =
h1("Live Chart"),
end appElement
def renderDataTable(): Element =
thead(tr(th("Label"), th("Price"), th("Count"), th("Full price"), th("Action"))),
children <-- => { item =>
renderDataItem(, item)
td(button("➕", onClick --> (_ => addDataItem(DataItem())))),
td(child.text <-- => "%.2f".format(,
end renderDataTable
def renderDataItem(id: DataItemID, item: DataItem): Element =
td(button("🗑️", onClick --> (_ => removeDataItem(id)))),
end renderDataItem
end Main
Let us pick apart the above.
First, the bottommost function, renderDataItem
, takes one DataItem
and renders a table row (tr
) for that item.
The row contains text cells for the label
, price
, count
and fullPrice
It also contains a Remove button
Recall from our initial example with a counter
that onClick --> (event => action)
performs the given action
on every click event.
Since we do not care about the properties of the event, we use _
The action is to call removeDataItem(id)
, which will schedule an update to the root dataVar
, filtering out the data item with the given id
Similarly, in renderDataTable
, the footer of the table contains a ➕ button
whose action is to add a new random data item to the chart data.
In the fourth column of the footer, we insert the total price for the shopping list.
We use the
method to derive a time-varying string out of the data model.
It maps a Signal[List[DataItem]]
into a Signal[String]
Given data: List[DataItem]
, we compute the total price as the sum
of the fullPrice
of each item:
We format it with 2 decimal digits using "%.2f".format(...)
In the tbody
element, we have to render a row for every item in the chart data list.
The list dataSignal
is a time-varying Signal[List[DataItem]]
From that, we have to derive a Signal[List[Element]]
We do so with two nested map
s: the outer one is
, while the inner one is
: => { item =>
renderDataItem(, item)
is of type List[DataItem]
, and item
is of type DataItem
Finally, to render the Signal[List[Element]]
as children of the tbody
node, we use Laminar’s children <--
children <-- => { item =>
renderDataItem(, item)
As the value in the Signal[List[Element]]
changes over time, so will the list of actual DOM children of the tbody
See it in action and fiddle with the code in Scribble
When you play with the Scribble above, you may notice a suboptimal behavior:
- Select something within one row of the table.
- Click the Add button, or the Remove button of some other row.
- The selection gets lost.
This is a symptom of a deeper issue with our existing code.
Every time one item changes, we recreate an entirely new List[Element]
Even for items that stay the same, we discard the old tr
element and create a new one.
As long as all we have is text within the rows, the only issues we may encounter are the selection issue and suboptimal performance. However, if we put form fields in the rows, the experience will significantly degrade.
We would like to reuse the tr
elements for the DataItem
s that were already rendered before.
Ideally, for any given id: DataItemID
, we would like the same rendered tr
to be reused.
This is exactly what Laminar’s split
method provides.
Let us amend the binding for children
as follows:
children <-- dataSignal.split( { (id, initial, itemSignal) =>
renderDataItem(id, itemSignal)
can be applied on a Signal[List[T]]
and returns a Signal[List[U]]
Whereas map
would systematically create new output values, split
reuses the output values for the inputs whose
is the same as before.
In other words,
is the key used by split
to find previously rendered elements.
For input elements whose key (or ID) existed before, it reuses a previously computed element. For new input elements, with an unknown key, it calls the 3-parameter function with the following arguments:
id: DataItemID
: the key of the newly found input element.initial: DataItem
: the input element with that ID, as found the first time.itemSignal: Signal[DataItem]
: a signal of all theDataItem
s that will be found with the sameid
in the future, starting withinitial
The id
is the only field taken into account to reuse an output element.
Therefore, if a future input contains a different DataItem
with the same id
, it will return the same output element.
That DataItem
will then become the new value of the time-varying itemSignal
This is why we now pass itemSignal
to renderDataItem
, which we amend to accept a Signal[DataItem]
- def renderDataItem(id: DataItemID, item: DataItem): Element =
+ def renderDataItem(id: DataItemID, itemSignal: Signal[DataItem]): Element =
- td(item.label),
- td(item.price),
- td(item.count),
- td("%.2f".format(item.fullPrice)),
+ td(child.text <--,
+ td(child.text <--,
+ td(child.text <--,
+ td(
+ child.text <-- => "%.2f".format(item.fullPrice))
+ ),
td(button("🗑️", onClick --> (_ => removeDataItem(id)))),
end renderDataItem
We cannot directly read item.label
or item.fullPrice
Instead, we use map
to get time-varying views of the properties, which we bind to the text of the td
elements using child.text <--
You may recall that we had done something very similar in our initial counter
"count is ",
child.text <-- counter,
We now have optimal reuse of tr
elements based on the id
of the input DataItem
See it in action and fiddle with the code in Scribble
Editing labels
So far, we do not have any way to actually edit individual items. Let us start by editing labels.
In order to be able to actually notice any change to our model, let us first add an additional list view summarizing the shopping list:
def appElement(): Element =
h1("Live Chart"),
+ renderDataList(),
end appElement
+ def renderDataList(): Element =
+ ul(
+ children <-- dataSignal.split( { (id, initial, itemSignal) =>
+ li(child.text <-- => s"${item.count} ${item.label}"))
+ }
+ )
+ end renderDataList
Recall our earlier function generating a table row for a Signal[DataItem]
def renderDataItem(id: DataItemID, itemSignal: Signal[DataItem]): Element =
td(child.text <--,
td(child.text <--,
td(child.text <--,
child.text <-- => "%.2f".format(item.fullPrice))
td(button("🗑️", onClick --> (_ => removeDataItem(id)))),
end renderDataItem
Instead of using a child.text
for the label, we now use an <input>
Its value should at all times reflect the time-varying value within
Conversely, if we change the value from the UI, the data model should be updated accordingly.
typ := "text",
value <--,
onInput.mapToValue --> { (newLabel: String) =>
dataVar.update { data => { item =>
if == id then item.copy(label = newLabel) else item
Similarly to child.text <--
, we now use value <--
When the contents of the Signal
changes over time, the value
is automatically updated.
In the other direction, we use onInput.mapToValue -->
to execute a callback every time the user updates the value from the UI.
Within the callback, we schedule an update to our dataVar
With these changes, we can already edit the labels of our data items.
As the list view of renderDataList()
directly feeds from the dataVar
, any changes there are automatically reflected.
We do not have to touch the list rendering method.
We can improve our code a bit through a few refactorings.
A callback directly feeding into someVar.update
is a common pattern.
Laminar provides a dedicated method on Var
for that:
typ := "text",
value <--,
- onInput.mapToValue --> { (newLabel: String) =>
- dataVar.update { data =>
+ onInput.mapToValue --> dataVar.updater[String] { (data, newLabel) => { item =>
if == id then item.copy(label = newLabel) else item
- }
Now, we can see another pattern emerging, not related to Laminar, but to our own model.
We change a single DataItem
in our model by map
ping over the data
list and transforming a single element based on its id
We can refactor this pattern as a separate method.
We make that method generic in the type of value, as we will reuse it later for the Double
prices of data items.
def renderDataItem(id: DataItemID, itemSignal: Signal[DataItem]): Element =
onInput.mapToValue --> makeDataItemUpdater[String](id, {
(item, newLabel) =>
item.copy(label = newLabel)
end renderDataItem
def makeDataItemUpdater[A](id: DataItemID,
f: (DataItem, A) => DataItem): Observer[A] =
dataVar.updater { (data, newValue) => { item =>
if == id then f(item, newValue) else item
end makeDataItemUpdater
As a final refactoring step, we notice the following pattern:
typ := "text",
value <-- someSignalOfString,
onInput.mapToValue --> someObserverOfString,
It represents an input
text whose value
is linked to Signal[String]
, which can be updated through some Observer[String]
We can define a separate method for this pattern as follows:
def renderDataItem(id: DataItemID, itemSignal: Signal[DataItem]): Element =
makeDataItemUpdater(id, { (item, newLabel) =>
item.copy(label = newLabel)
end renderDataItem
def inputForString(valueSignal: Signal[String],
valueUpdater: Observer[String]): Input =
typ := "text",
value <-- valueSignal,
onInput.mapToValue --> valueUpdater,
end inputForString
Consider what this method represents. It takes data model values as arguments, and returns a Laminar element manipulating those values. This is what many UI frameworks call a component. In Laminar, components are nothing but methods manipulating time-varying data and returning Laminar elements.
Editing prices
To finish our application, we should also be able to edit prices and counts.
For the prices, we start with a “component” method building an Input
that manipulates Double
def inputForDouble(valueSignal: Signal[Double],
valueUpdater: Observer[Double]): Input =
val strValue = Var[String]("")
typ := "text",
value <-- strValue.signal,
onInput.mapToValue --> strValue,
valueSignal --> strValue.updater[Double] { (prevStr, newValue) =>
if prevStr.toDoubleOption.contains(newValue) then prevStr
else newValue.toString
strValue.signal --> { valueStr =>
end inputForDouble
It is more complicated than the one for String
s because of the need for parsing and formatting.
This complexity perhaps better highlights the benefit of encapsulating it in a dedicated method (or component).
We leave it to the reader to understand the details of the transformations.
We point out that we use an intermediate, local Var[String]
to hold the actual text of the input
We then write separate transformations to link that Var[String]
to the string representation of the Double
signal and updater.
Note that we put the <--
and -->
binders connecting strValue
with valueSignal
and valueUpdater
as arguments to the Laminar input
This may seem suspicious, as none of them nor their callbacks have any direct relationship to the DOM input
We do this to tie the lifetime of the binders to the lifetime of the input
When the latter gets unmounted, we release the binder connections, possibly allowing resources to be reclaimed.
In general, every binder must be owned by a Laminar element. It only gets activated when that element is mounted. This prevents memory leaks.
Editing counts
For the counts, we want a component that manipulates Int
For those, we would like a more controlled input.
Instead of letting the user enter any string in the input, and only remember the last valid Double
value, we now want to only allow valid Int
values in the first place.
This is the role of the controlled
method of Laminar.
As an approximation of its behavior, itt wraps a UI-from-data binder <--
and a UI-to-data binder -->
in a way that forces the UI to adhere to some filters.
def inputForInt(valueSignal: Signal[Int],
valueUpdater: Observer[Int]): Input =
typ := "text",
value <--, {
case Some(newCount) => newCount
} --> valueUpdater,
end inputForInt
We use collect
in the -->
binder to filter out strings that do not correctly parse as Int
then takes care of enforcing that those values are rejected at the UI level as well.
More details about controlled
can be found in the Laminar documentation.
Finally, we update our renderDataItem
method to use our new double and int inputs:
def renderDataItem(id: DataItemID, itemSignal: Signal[DataItem]): Element =
makeDataItemUpdater(id, { (item, newLabel) =>
item.copy(label = newLabel)
makeDataItemUpdater(id, { (item, newPrice) =>
item.copy(price = newPrice)
makeDataItemUpdater(id, { (item, newCount) =>
item.copy(count = newCount)
child.text <-- => "%.2f".format(item.fullPrice))
td(button("🗑️", onClick --> (_ => removeDataItem(id)))),
end renderDataItem
See it in action and fiddle with the code in Scribble
That concludes our tutorial on Laminar.
We saw how to use Laminar for UI development in Scala.js.
We discovered the Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) model used by Laminar.
This model is particularly suited to UI development in Scala.
With its time-varying values, it offers a balance between the changing world of UIs and the reasoning about immutable data that we favor in Scala.
We mentioned how to define “components” in Laminar as mere methods manipulating Signal
s and Observer
In our next tutorial about ScalablyTyped, we will learn how to integrate third-party JavaScript libraries.